



Photography is always a reciprocal process - it is creative, intuitive and enrichinG. 


Photographs and images have allowed me to explore and interact with different realities and lifeforms throughout my life, to constantly reinvent myself through this means as I acquire the essence of what it's captured with the camera. In the process, a part of me gets printed in the paper, and simultaneously a part of the subject or landscape becomes printed in me.

 I have learned from a great number of people including teachers, colleagues, family, friends, and also many strangers. Life experiences often offer important lessons in this profession and often knowledge comes from where you least expect it

Inspiration has often originated from my surroundings, which have always been varied in my life. In my journey as a photographer I've had the great privilege to explore countless regions of our planet, as well as having the opportunity to submerge myself in different cultures that intrigue observers and amaze anyone that's willing to contemplate them. 

Nature is however, my muse. Especially those faraway and atypical locations that possess a uniqueness that cannot be replicated. The same can be said about the people I photograph - I am inspired by people who are eccentric and extravagant: those who are authentic and demonstrate a strong character or, those who make a reference to their surroundings and carry with them the marks of time. 


Through the lens I can share how fascinating the world that surrounds us is: mystical and visceral. Sometimes disconcerting, at others intriguing but mostly, seductive


In a way, one of the most challenging aspects of this work that I do is to penetrate said environments and encounter these people. And yet it is the most rewarding aspect and the thing I love most about my work. 


Photography isn't only about learning the technicalities; It's about blending in and interacting with your subject and with your environment.